Tuesday, February 7, 2012

He saw the potential.

You know you have raised an optimistic child when they too can see the good and the 'could be' through all the stuff and yuck.
My 21 year old  son has been living on his own for the better part of two years now. He recently had the opportunity to move. He saw the potential and took this new home. However, moving day came at an unfortunate time. The old renter had not removed all their belongings and as soon as Kevin's  things were delivered (dumped) in the new place, he had to be out of town for a few days. My husband & I went in and pulled a 'while you were out' sort of  event.

We cleaned, straightened and moved in a few more goodies.

It was a nice surprise for our son when he arrived to find he had his house in order.





Not too bad for a young person. So glad he can see potential in junky environments. It surely isn't my style, but then again it isn't my room. His room is truly REFRESHED and perfect for him and his dog.

 I am linking to Jennifer Rizzo's 'Refresh your Room Party '
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